Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pictures, you say?

Ok, here you go! Pictures of my foster husky with his soon to be owner, Danica. Is he not the cutest thing?

He's also the sweetest and very smart, I can already tell. He loves to cuddle and be held and whenever we're in the room he watches us constantly.

He's very gentle with us and with the kittens, which is good. That was a big concern of mine, that he might be aggressive with them, but it turned out to be unfounded. He just sniffs them and sometimes licks them.

He's absolutely perfect and he's ours!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why I foster

It's been almost a year since my daughter said to me "Mom, I want a puppy." Those five words have led us on an amazing journey that I never could have imagined. Certainly I never saw myself as a foster mom. Now I cherish that part of my identity.

You see, before she said those words to me I didn't even know there was such a thing as fostering animals. But when I did some research on animal adoption while trying to decide if I'd get her a puppy, I discovered fostering and my whole world changed. I thought to myself "I can do that. I should do that, I want to help." And let me tell you, it's addicting. The joy and love these animals bring to your life is astounding and I can think of no feeling more powerful than that of knowing you just saved a life.

I talked to my daughter about it first, then when she agreed I signed us up. Initially we fostered for the local animal control, but eventually we grew frustrated because we constantly had to fight with them to keep our foster animals from being put down. We ended up fostering for a local animal rescue group that came very highly recommended, A Second Chance Puppies and Kitten Rescue. They're absolutely wonderful.

Since we became a foster family we've saved kittens, puppies, adult cats, adult dogs and exotics. The exotics we actually keep, not foster. I discovered a vet along this journey who takes in unwanted exotics and then finds loving homes for them. We help him rescue the exotics as well.

Fostering can be a very tough thing at times. Sometimes you get sick animals and nothing you do can save them. It can be extremely time consuming and emotionally exhausting. It is also immensely rewarding. The people we've met, the animals we've loved, the success stories we carry within us, all of this has combined to enrich our lives and our selves beyond my wildest imagination. The empathy and love I've seen grow in my daughter is beautiful and priceless.

I wouldn't trade it for the world. This is my life now, my mission and my reason for never giving up. No matter how much it might hurt when I can't save one I still move on to the next with hope. Each life is worth trying for.

If you're wondering, she never did get that puppy. I was sure that one day we'd find the one that was family, if we were just patient. And I was right. We recently took three foster huskies into our home and one of them, the male, is the puppy we've been waiting for. Dani's wanted a husky for as long as I can remember, they're her favorite. Even when she was afraid of other dogs, she wasn't afraid of them. She's still a little afraid of big dogs, but not huskies. This one has the perfect personality for our little family; he's already a part of it.

She doesn't know it yet but very soon she's going to get the puppy she's always wanted. And I've already promised to keep fostering once the adoption is complete. :-D